How can I refund a purchase?
Solitaire: Decked Out is completely free to download. All content (Decks and Items) is possible to acquire without in-app purchases.
However, Decks and Items may also be acquired through in-app purchases.
If you (or your children) have mistakenly made in-app purchases, you can get a refund by notifying either the App Store or Google Play Store.
Don't worry and follow these steps:
===== Purchases in iPhones / iPads / iPod Touch =====
1. Visit Apple Support (
2. Find Contact Support on the top right corner.
3. Choose 'get help' under [Talk to us]
4. Choose [iTunes and Apple Music] - iTunes Store - Purchase & Refund.
5. Choose your options and continue requesting for the refund.
===== Purchases in Google Play Store =====
1. Visit Google Play Help (
2. Select: Contact Us -> Android apps & games -> Request a refund
3. Contact a support specialist via Email or Call
Let us know if you need further assistance.